Book 2013
Book 2013
Experimental book covers for e-books
electronics on paper, fabric
Book 2013 is a series of experimental book covers for e-books. When I created these covers, I was a regular subway rider who liked to read on the train. I shared several pleasant moments with other riders as we caught glimpses of each other's intriguing novels and magazines. Occasionally, we'd be immersed in the exact same book (Lean In...Stranger in a Strange Land...the list goes on!).
When I switched to a Kindle, these moments of connection no longer occurred. My sleek device gave no hint of what I might be reading on the inside. I begin to wonder..when our reading material is dynamic and digital, how could I reveal what was inside?
For my experiments, I chose electronic materials that would complement my handmade covers. These materials included thermochromic pigments, embroidered speakers, and nitinol, as well as LCD displays and LEDs.